I was wondering if I download a movie offline and it says dvdrip.Does it still need converting to play it on my dvd player here at home.Ive tried not convert and burning straight to a disk,didnt work.Then I tried converting then burning it,still didnt work.HELP
well what type of file is it .avi ? probably so, it needs converting back to a dvd format..most of those movies you are talking about are converted to a .avi /Xvid in a rar. file form so they are squeezed up to a smaller file for downloading. some newer DVD players will play .avi files it should say on the front of the player. but the older ones won't play those type of files. some programs(free) will be DVDFlick, can be found here. ConvertXtoDvd (not free) but works well,its what i use. you need to find out what type of file it is after you download it to your CPU first, then go from there. i was just reading a post earlier about this, i'll try to post it back. gday to you
I used xtodvd and dvd flick.Everything seems fine like it has worked and somthing burns to the disc but I go to watch it and nothing
So we are assuming this is a rar file extracted to an avi file. Next you want to make it (convert it) to an iso image. Once the iso image is made then burn it to a disc and stick it in your dvd player, sit back and enjoy
Well these said dvd rip and sometimes avi.I never had problems converting and burning movies to dvd before.I use the dvd+r disks by Hp.Was using convert x to dvd before w/ no problems.Now all of a sudden Im doing something wrong.
Have you tried unstalling it and reinstalling it. Maybe you made a change you were not aware of. Or set all setting back to default, try that 1st and if that doesnt solve the problem then uninstall it and reinstall it.