I bought a Western Digital My Book Essential Edition 1 TB and right now it's full to the last bite. I want to convert it to NTFS without loosing data and right now it's FAT32. Im following this guide but after i enter "Volume Lable" (i kept it as My Book) and hit entire nothing happens. Yes the External HDD was pluged in and working, even did a diskcheck before cmd. 1. Open Command Prompt Start | All Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt OR Start | Run | type "cmd" without quotes | OK 2. Type "convert drive letter: /fs:ntfs" and press Enter. For example, type "convert C: /fs:ntfs" (without quotes) if you want to convert drive C. 3. If you're asked whether you want to dismount the drive, agree.
how much free space you talking about? i just deleted some files because i already have them on my second internal drive. it's now 81GB free and still it's not converting. EDIT.... it's done, even though it look like nothing was happening something was. just had to give it 5-10 minutes.