Hi all, I have a problem with converting an MPEG-2 movieclip to AVI-format. I'll explain why. This is what I have done: - I recorded a tv-programme on DVD with my Philips DVD Recorder. - I ripped the DVD with DVD Decrypter. - I cut a small part out of that with Cuttermaran 1.65. - I imported this mpg-file into Adobe Premiere 6.0 and got the following error: "The file was recorded at an unsupported rate. The supported rates are 11khz,22khz,32khz,44khz and 48khz." Which is stupid, because the AC3 output file from Cutterman says the sound is in 48khz format. Anyway, I thought I was smart to cut the same part with Cuttermaran, but now without sound. Import it in Premiere, didn't work either. Got the same error. I had imported avi-files into Premiere before, so I thought let's convert this clip to avi. Tried several software, some give an error before converting, others just convert the file but in playback only the first frame is repeated over and over again. Really frustrating. Now a friend of mine says that he imported mpg file into Premiere which is cool,but I can't and I know it has something to do with the fact that my mpeg file is a conversion of something i recorded on tv. All those different formats drive me crazy So does anyone know how I get this file working with Adobe Premiere? Maybe I don't need to convert it to avi, but just to another mpg format, but I don't know how. Any help would be HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY appreciated!
I don't understand ..so you have the 'original' DVD? Let's do these tests: 1) Open the VOB set, from the DVD rip, with DVD2AVI (F2). Be sure the track selected under Audio__Track Number is right (I suppose Track 1, unless you ripped only the Nth track without remapping it to Track 1) and Audio___Output method is 'Decode To WAV'. After it do F4 (save D2V). If it makes it, you'll just have to load the D2V and the WAV - later, the audio part is the easiest one - with some programs which supports those files (I don't know if Adobe Premiere does it, maybe with an help of AviSynth). Fires, post here if you're able to make a D2V (well, actually you could even make an AVI, but DVD2AVI is not best suited to make it - a 720x480/576 file would need to many bytes to make a decent conversion). 2) open the MPEG with VirtualDub-MPEG2 (its version which supports MPEG-2 files) and post here the result if you do FIle__File Information.
I found another solution. I opened the MPEG file (the Cuttermaran cut) in Windows Media Player, choose the option save file as... and just added .mpg to it and voila, this file was accepted by Premiere. I really appreciate your help in this forum.