At there's a real audio and a lame mp3 plugin for Nero (and related software). Install those and use Nero Wave Editor or Nero Mix for converting. AFAIK you need to have some realplayer installed for it to work. If you don't want to install real player/real one/... there are two possibilities: 1. Real alternative: I've never tried this, so I can't tell if Mediaplayer Classic (MPC) can decode + write to file or directly transcode to mp3 using e.g. lame. If you want to try this possibility please report if you were successful here. 2. Some Winamp input plugin bundle. It was announced/offered at Hydrogenaudio which is offline ATM, but probably it can be found using google. The file to download is called, inside there are 2 exe files: "Real Audio Plugin for Winamp.exe" and "Real Codecs V1.1.exe". The 1st exe installs "innover's RealAudio plugin" for Winamp, the second one "Real Codecs 1.1", some .dll's ripped from RealOne Player 2.0. If this is installed you can use Winamp or any player that can use Winamp input Plugins (my favourite: XMPlay) to transcode to mp3. For winamp you need a lame output plugin, XMPlay can use lame.exe directly.
Update/clarification: To use one of the realaudio Winamp input plugins you must either install real one player or Install a codec package ripped from real one player. One of those packages is included in "Real alternative", others - and related stuff/information - are available here:[small]AFTERDAWN FORUM RULES:[/small]
If you're finished, please give a short report of the method that works for you. Your experience will be helpful for many others ...
My method: I didn't convert, I just downloaded the codec and used it with my winamp to play real media files instead
Guys , i got a freeware called <deleted by moderation> which can convert RAM to MP3 but i dont have the registration code for it .... to get that you have to pay $25 , which i cant afford anow.. does anyone have the registration code of <deleted by moderation> .... any help / suggestion will be appreciated ... thx __________________________________________ Edit: <> If you have to pay for the registration code, it's not free ware. Requesting it is a violation of forum rules. One more time and you'll be banned. - tigre