Can you tell me of some simple user friendly software to be able to convert wav files to mp3 & vice versa. I presently have some wav file on my pc which I first like to convert & save as mp3 on pc before I burn them onto cd in future. And vices versa do the same with present mp3 on pc, have them converted & save them as wav file for future use. Thank you,
I downloaded a program called Fairstars Audio Converter. I haven't gotten the chance to use it yet but it's description is quite robust. It converts almost anything to almost anything it looks like. Search for Fairstars, I'm pretty sure they have their own domain. *EDIT* I just used this program and it's a dream. You just select the file type you are converting to in a drop-down and go.
I would say that LAME is the best, however it is command line interface. I think you can add it as a plug in to some of the GUI rippers but have not tried that approach. It's just easier for me to use the CLI.
I have good luck as a newbiew with Audacity - link to the download site is With Audacity, I able to open any .wav or .mp3 file, edit it, and then save it as either a .wav or .mp3. FYI, I first read about Audacity on Cnet - Audacity is one of the more popular programs of its type. I've been using it to make mp3 files out of all the tapes in my cassette tape collection - I've gotten slightly "stuck" a few times, but the FAQs/help on their website is great.
I currently use MediaMonkey as my "jukebox" software and it allows you the option to convert your files between .mp3,.wav,.flac,.ape,.wma And its free and 100% percent clean. Heres the site . . . It can also synchronize with an iPod so if your looking for a alternative to iTunes here you go. This could easily be my best software download of the year.
And no disrespect to undine's post but I tried the NCH SwiftSound software when I was looking for software for this very purpose. And I had nothing but problems with it. But undine if it worked for you all power to ya.
I use Fleximusic Wave Editor a simpler audio/mp3 editing software, to edit and converting music. It has many features for audio editing and converting.
Not many people have been active in this thread but i post this just in case someone should be looking into this thread the site has many free and spyware clean music editing/managing/converting applications for free.
MusicMatch (which, although it sucks out loud as a media player, comes bundled with most newer computers) can do the job for you. It's as easy as all get out.