
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by smockpuv, Dec 23, 2003.

  1. smockpuv

    smockpuv Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    sorry i don't know where to post this, but i have a question, if i have a wmv file that i need to convert to avi, what is the best converter to use? every freeware or shareware program i use has some watermark on the screen so that i have to buy the program. is there a converter i can dl that will let me convert it without any dumb watermark on the video?
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I don't know how to tell you this but NOBODY I know likes Windows Media Video very much.
    The quality sucks and it doesn't get along in the DVD world at all.
    Yea, so what else is new with Windows ?

    I did the research you could have done and found that a pretty smart Dude named Praetor here at the forum posted a recipe you might try using. He uses TMPGEnc (a freeware) to convert WMV files to a more usable AVI file.

    My opinion, if you're doing this more than once and you've found a program that works, Buy it !! It would be the easiest way to go.

    'nough said, here is my friend Praetor's formula,

    1. Open TMPEGenc
    2. Drag and drop the WMV file onto it. If you get an error at this point then you have to fix that first before you move on.
    3. File --> Output to File --> AVI --> If the movie isn’t really long, don’t bother giving it a codec, otherwise, give it a codec and set the compression (recommend XVID/DIVX)
    4. When you are done, press CTRL+W to bring up the wizard and use the AVI file you use made for encoding.


    Now that you have converted it to an AVI file you may toddle off to this site and follow the directions to convert your AVI’s to DVD's –

    With that done we’ll be able to play that sucker on a standalone player which is, where I think you were headed anyway –

    Seasons Greetings,

  3. Amazaun

    Amazaun Guest

    ScubaPete, I love you man! I've been sitting at my computer for a month now trying to figure out how the hell to go from recorded tv to cd then back to hard drive and finally to dvd.

    I'm not computer illiterate, but this had me wanting to pull my hair out while screaming and throwing my keyboard across the room.

    I am FINALLY basking in the pure joy of s*u*c*c*e*s*s, thanks to your information!

    You DA MAN!
  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Well, I guess my work here is done, time to climb aboard Ole' Paint (makin' sure I've got a pocket full "O" quarters) and mosey on out of town -

    "Click, click Ole' Boy," Sez me,

    (Climb'en on up in the saddle and wheelin' my horsey around)

    (Tossing in 3 quarters to get started)

    (clip, clop, clippty, clop)

    Goin' ta mosey down Mexico way, hook up with my old compadrays, "Fast" Frankie, "Knowledgeable" Jerry, and "Doc Speed", fastest typist in the old West,

    (clip, clop, clippty, clop)

    Yep, We got places to go and people to see and help bail out of trouble,

    (Clip, clop, clippity, clop)

    We leave behind people like Amazaun, up-comin', and free thinkin' newbies able to take their next step on their own -

    (clip, clop, clippty, clop)

    "Giddie Up Ole' Paint"

    (tossin' in a few more quarters)

    (clippity, clippity, - clippity, - clippity, - - clippity, - -

    -clip, - - - Clop - -

    and like that - -

  5. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I use "Stoik Video Converter" to convert WMV to AVI, It is freeware and No Watermark....Cheers

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