i was wondering if anybody had method or a converter that converts a image file called (file) to a jpeg ..i need print quality ...iv tried joyce converter ,faststone viewer and iv tried the print screen but it comes out all pixel-ly
You don't say what form the image is that you are wanting to convert from. If its a BMP file or a GIF, then you can use the Paint application that comes with Windows to open the image and then select Save As and use the drop down list to selete JPEG. If you try to resize a BMP or GIF, then it will be pixally.
You need to first know what format the "file" is in. Sometimes when I download a file from the internet, the format is not detected. Once you know the format of the file, rename it with the file extension. Ex. "file" to "file.jpg"
You probably will not know the format of the unidentified file, so keep trying common image file formats such as, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif ,.swf (vector image)