I converted several AVI programs to DVD with no issues and then all of the sudden now my computer crashes and tries to reboot after 25-30 minutes of video is converted. I have tried no less than 5 programs and the results are always the same. I probably did download software between my successful conversions, but I do not remember what those programs were. I think one was a DIVX codec. I have unistalled that one but the problem remains. Help - what can I do. I know there must be some software or setting causing the problem because the process worked previously. All of the programs I have tried cannot be problematic. Running XP with SP2. 2.4 processor. Disc space is ok -
I have an Intel P4 2.8GHz and at 100% it seldom goes over 50C (130F). I think you can find the max for your CPU using Google, but 80C (190F) sounds high.
80 is too high. are you using a laptop? if so you need a cooling pad. if not be sure your cpu fan is turning and that the heatsink fins are not gummed up with dirt or varnish.
from experience, check to make sure your power supply fan is operational, feel the back of your PC and see how hot it is.