hello! at the moment i am trying to convert two AVI file's onto one dvd format, but this is where i get stuck, the two AVI files have got two spearate subtitles file which are *.srt, how would i convert the two AVI files also convert the *.srt files, so when i burn it on to dvd, i can see the AVI file and the subtitles when it is playing! can someone help me plz?
hi there 1) Use VirtualDub to join AVI's (free) 2) Use Subtitle Workshop to join SRT's (free) 3) Use VSODivXtoDVD to create your own project, adding subtitles (free trial for 30 days IIRC) 4) Burn with Nero (free trial) if you wanna go into more detail (and quality) 1 bis) Enocde your AVI's to MPEG-2 with a good encoder 3 bis) Author your own DVD project with DVDLab
hi i know avi2dvd and film machine take 2 avi and 1 subs file but not sure on 2 subs files? both apps free
Yes, I forgot about Avi2DVD & The Film Machine... I think, IIRC, that both accept more than one subtitle stream...
hardcoding subtitles are bad, yet i still do it cause i'll get more effect than those evil picturesubs. first get a subtitle editor, subtitle workshop, subresync, etc. play with fonts you like, colours, grid them properly, not too low. you can use the vdub method or learn the best way, avisynth. get textsub or vsfilter plugin
Hi there, VSO DivxToDVD v1.99 Pre-Release will: - Convert all your internet movies (.AVI / .MPG etc..) to DVD Format - Add subtitles (using .srt files / More formats to come in future releases) - Add chapters to each files - Create a menu (Menu entry for each file, based on the filename, for now) - Burn your DVD creation to media, with it's own built in burn engine