Can anyone please help me. I am only new to this,but downnloaded movies that were AVI and tried converting it with Convertx2dvd software, but it has watermark all over it. Can anyone suggest good free software to download AVI movies to dvd so i can watch them on my TV set from my dvd player. I can watch them good on my computer nice and sharp clear picture, but want software without the watermark. Any suggestions. Thanks Evelyn
Hey santina9, Use Nero Vision to convert the .avi files to DVD. Its what i use it works great for me. here is a tutorial on how to use Nero vision if you have never used it before. Jozza321
Hi Jozza321, thanks for your tip. I had a look at it, sure is quite lengthy. Wow what alot of mucking around just to code movie to dvd. But anyway i shall give it a try and see how i go. Damn why can't we just download a movie and burn it straight on a dvd to watch on anything eg. computer and TV set. Technology gets more complicated with all these different codes and different software, nothing is easy anymore. Thanks Jozza321. Much appreciated.
santina, LOL it is getting pretyy hard with all these differnt files around these days. And you could just download DVD files or you could just hook ur computer up to your big screen and no burning to a disc at all Jozza321
HI there I've just started all of this thing as well.. I have use 2 bits of software: Avi2dvd - this is good, gives you lots of features and satifies the geek in you. All2dvd - this is what i'd give my girl friend (the Specialized Rockhopper of converters . Seems to use one way of converting, not so many options, but just simply drag and drop. So there you go, both are good, i'm currently using All2dvd at the moment. I'm sure someone on here would be able to give you a better comparison of both
Hi Jozza,thanks for your assistance. Yeh would be easier just to move the damn computer and hook up to TV accept too much mucking around and rooms are miles apart. Oh well might just stick with the avi2dvd, only problem there was it wasnt free software and had this watermark all over it which is pretty distracting. I've downloaded so much software and tried alot of them out, but there just too complicated to set up and Wow the terminology......when your a beginner like me, i don't understand the lingo. Oh well shall just keep experimenting. thanks again
Hi Compact, thanks also for your tips. I tried getting into the All2Dvd link to download it, but nothing happens. As for the AVI2DVD, tried that one, but got a watermark on the movie and it takes forever to convert. Will keep trying this link to All2DVD this one sounds good. All i got to do now is download the damn thing if it lets me, then maybe i can try it out. Just want something plain and simple with a click of a button. Why do they make these things so hard and non user friendly, I do not know. We are in the 21st century, things have to be more easier than this eh?? Just want to watch the damn thing on my TV not the computer. Wish i could download "dvd" movies straight from the users, but there all coded differently, eg. avi, mpeg, etc. then you get software thats an encoder, codec - trying to learn what is what i have to do. Oh well i shall keep trying till i find one thats easy. thanks again.
HI there You can try through the home page As far as I can see they all take ages. It seems that AVI2DVD gives you the choice of 5 different ways (encoders?) whilst ALl2DVD just uses 1. Both take blood ages, 2 hours or more for a full movie. You see people saying that they set theirs going at night. All2DVD comes with IMGBurn so if you put a disc in, then it will burn it for you, which is handy...
Compact, I did do what you said then the 2 flags come up on the top and i clicked on the aussie flag, then the News about Satsuki Decoder Pack comes up and above that, the download for All2dvd link and i click on that,then the next page is in red writing, when i click on download version page comes up with "cannot be displayed". So i must have a firewall blocking it or something. Can you direct me on how to undo the firewall so i can give this another try. It does mention that strong settings on computer can block the download. Just won't download, been at it all night. Will try again tomorow as its getting late. ta
hmmm not too sure there try right click and save as (or save link as) it will come up with Satsuki.All2DVD. and ask you the location... should work not too good with firewalls myself..
Hi Compact, Yippee,tried right clicking it (from work onto a CD)to make a copy of it and then i can download it at home tonight. Seemed to have worked. Can't wait to try it out tonight. Will let you know how I go, thanks again. Your a sport for having to put up with me. Alot of the times to some people who are advanced, these problems sound trivial to them, but to beginners like me, you sure have a hard time trying to know what does what and once it works, it sure is a relief (till the next challenge comes up)....Your help gratefully appreciated. Ta