I know that this topic has been covered numerous times in this forum but for the life of me, I Fn just don't understand it at all. I've hooked up my tape player to my computer, no sweat I get good sound no problem from that point on, nothing. sometimes I get wav files but I have trouble moving them, and I understand that yuo can edit them but I can never hear them at all. I'm on vacation and figured I could learn to do it in a week's time. Please some one help me not to be a liar at least to myself I have nero and audacity, they both read like chinese to me (no offense to any of my asian friends) I'm just at my wits' end!! help anyone
Here's a simple tutorial for Audacity. http://www.andybrain.com/archive/convert-cassette-to-cd-digital.htm
Thanks for the guide, it helped big time. I just have one question that the guide didn't address. after the tape is converted the wav files play just fine from the computer but, after putting them on to a cd-rw the sound was almost non-existent. is there any way to increase the sound after the file is put on cd? or is this a result of the files on cd-rw instead of cd?
I don't do enough audio conversion to offer any help. Maybe better starting a new thread aimed at that topic.