Sorry...I posted this in the wrong forum earlier today. I'm trying to convert a DVD-9 to a DVD-5 with the menus intact. I've used IFO Edit to strip the few extras on the DVD-9, but the video file--even with one audio stream--still has too high a bit rate. Is there a way to use Cinema Craft Encoder to re-encode the video stream so it fits on a DVD-5? I want to remove the high bit rate, insert the new one, and retain the IFO files. If CCE can't do what I need, is it possible to use TMPGenc to get it done?
I agree. Well, the most complete 'trick' is: - rip the VOBs with DVD shrink or, better, with DVD Decrypter (updated more often that DVD Shrink and free, as well) - convert DVD-9 to DVD-5 with DVD Shrink (you'll create a DVD-5 ISO image) - burn that ISO image into a DVD-R with any burning application or with DVD Shrink internal burner