Hello I browsed the forums, but everythin' i saw was much to complicated for me to fully understand. I currently have Adobe Soundbooth installed on my computer, and i have the movie from a concert the night before, now my crummy camera only records in mono, unfortanitly i can't make it stereo. Now i want to convert the audio to stereo, obviously as the name sugests. But there is another problem. Along with only recording in Mono, the drums over power everything in the audio, and i would like a way to tone it down, and or clean it up so we can hear the vocals. i know this is a very difficult task, but i know there is a way to do it although each instrument wasn't recorded individualy. Thanks everyone
You pretty much can't make stereo from mono. And good luck lowering the drums. I know nothing of 'Adobe Soundbooth' but if it's like other audio editors there should be filters and more importantly help files and guides. I'd take a clip of the audio and try various filters on it, you might find some that make you think it sounds better. You might also try Audacity, a FreeWare and very capable audio app that has a huge support base.
You already know the answer. That is why there are several tracks per instrument vs one track for the band. There is no good solution. The easiest way to 'fix' your problem is use an equalizer and kill the bandwidths where the drums are.