What the best way is very debatable,have a look at this guide.http://www.dvd-guides.com/guides.php?category=othertodvd&name=tmpegenc If you dont like that one try the search at the top of this page,because this question is asked several times a week. This guide is for avi's but if your mpeg isnt done right you'll still have to go through all the same steps. You could download the trial version of dvd author and follow the guide,at the botton of the page on that link, and if you dont get an error message then you can skip the re-encoding good luck and welcome to the hood later jim _X_X_X_X_X_[small]you should never take life too seriously....you'll never get out of it alive!! procrastinate now...dont put it off till tomorrow if you can read this..you dont need glasses.[/small]