I just downloaded the God of War Soundtrack from Sony and they gave me all the songs in OMA format. I would like to have them in MP3 or anything format in which I can burn it to a CD-R. Anyone know a program that will do this?
look at here http://www.imtoo.com/products.html i have their converter DVD Audio ripper, and used well. i hope there are one ripper/converter can meet with your needs. good luck
Thanks, but I found that I could just rename it to a .mp3 and it would convert to a mp3. KISS I guess...Keep It Simple Stupid. Edit: Well, I guess it didn't work. I went to burn it and Nero says it's not supported.
OMG, how stupid is Sony? I've researched this for over 2 hours and I still haven't found a way to burn it to a disc. If anyone can help me it would be GREATY appreciated!
this may be a little late to reply to this topic, but the answer is simple, If you are unable to convert the OMA file(s), then use sony's own technology against them. I simply took a cable i had and ran my line out (the one you plug your speakers into) and ran it straight to my line-in on my sound card effectively looping the sound. Using Acid Pro (a sony product) i recorded the audio coming out of my sound card. This can be done many ways. Including, but not limited to recording Audio to a VCR tape (yes a VCR). people seem to forget that your PC is a very powerful tool. anything that can be seen or heard on a computer CAN BE RECORDED! If you cant copy a DVD, get a DVD player and hook it up to a TV tuner card. This maybe a bit low tech, but you guys never mentioned it before, at least not in this post.
Here's how I did it ... 1) In SonicStage, under Tranfer select Create an AudioCD and burn all your OMA music files. 2) Open MusicMatch and select Copy from CD (make sure it copies as MP3s) MusicMatch will copy the files as MP3s (you will need to lookup Tags, which I find very easy in MusicMatch) I also then opened iTunes and copied all the newly created MP3s so I could transfer to my iPod.