I'm not talking about Video_TS files, I'm talking about HDTV files that are .ts (transport stream) files. I've already gotten the HDTV to MPEG 2 program and the output file is 0 Kb and takes two seconds to convert for nothing, it converts a 680 meg file to nothing in another folder... unless you can give me a tutorial I find the program useless... The files are gorgeous picture quality, I know they will suffer upon conversion, but I'd like to watch them on my TV, So what I really need is someone that can tell me how to convert a .ts file to an avi, mpg, .mov or some other file I can dump in VSO Convertxtodvd program... THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!!! P.S. Help me move this thread if it belongs elsewhere and tell me where to find it : )
I haven't try with .ts file conversion. However, I know winavi video converter can convert almost all video formats. Perhaps, you can try it.
Hi, I have also been trying to convert some of my TS files that I've been recording with my PVR.. mine isn't an HDTV PVR, its just a regular PVR. Has any one actually converted some of these TS files and burnt them to DVD's?