hey guys, i got a project due on tuesday. basically i have to make two movie trailers from a commercially produced dvd. all of the people in the class opted to go for mpeg1, but i decided i want to retain it's quality and make it in mpeg2 - to keep it dvd quality. i have intentions on burning it on a dvd-r with motion menu and everything, with a making of behind the scenes thing, just to blow the prof. away... but the thing is, i've done converting a lot of dvd to svcd's and vcd's in my life, but i just remembered, i have NO CLUE! how to convert a dvd vob or dvd to dvd mpeg2. can u guys help me. i'm intending on using adobe premiere 7 pro to edit it. thanks.
Cross-Posting, naughty...... Could everyone please follow this thread: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/66825 Thank You....