Hi guys, i'm new here, but not a newbie in converting avi to dvd. I use tmpgenc to convert xvid to mpg and later author(also with tmpg). To have full control over my conversion, i first strip audio from xvid with virtualdub (i put it in an uncompressed wav file, which i later on use as my input audio in tmpgenc xpress) to avoid unsynchronised video-audio. When encoding is completed, i check mpg to look at the result. At first sight, it's good, but when i look closer i notice the video hanging for like a fraction of a second each 2 seconds or so. Very strange, dunno what i'm doing wrong. I think it has something to do with the codecs i'm using. Here is what i use : ffdshow filter (version from aug 2004) + i installed avicodec Also tmpgenc has the ac3 plugin installed. Sometimes i also get the annoying error : "invalid sample format" (encoding stopped at 50 procent) Why is this? Thanx in advance for reading my thread, hope you guys have some answers , swa
I'm not sure, but sometimes this happens on corrupt videos. Keep the 1st part and try to cut the original AVI with VirtualDub, choosing Source Range a little after the 'wrong' point (keep the Audio and Video settings at Direct Stream Copy). VirtualDub aborts if you're too close to the corrupted point (but TMPGenc aborts always, if you try to 'select range', and therefore I suggest you VirtualDub). On a similar file I managed to keep the movie by losing only 30" of the full movie.