I'm not so experienced with video formats. Is the above program able to convert video-mpg files to (a) VIDEO_TS file(s)? And what is the purpose of having a VIDEO_TS.BUP and a VIDEO_TS.IFO and a VIDEO_TS.VOB file? The video concerned is captured from a TV program in an MPG II format and I want to confert and eventually burn that 3 hour program in its full length on 2 DVDR disks (each 4.3GB). Thanks for the help, nopfusch
Hi there, VSO ConvertXtoDVD v2.0 is used to convert .mpg / .avi / .mov etc... files to [bold]DVD standard files[/bold] VIDEO_TS.IFO VIDEO_TS.BUP VTS_01_1.vob VTS_01_2.vob VTS_01_3.vob etc... If you already have a VIDEO_TS directory and all the needed files (as above), you have no need for ConvertXtoDVD, just burn them on a media and it should play !