ConvertXtoDVD - is there a way to schedule or do multiple conversions overnight?

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by tafkas, Mar 14, 2008.

  1. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    I'm using ConvertXtoDVD version 2.something to convert AVI files to DVD format and it works pretty well.

    It takes up to 2-3 hours to convert most AVIs on my PC so I have it running quite often overnight, and when I do that I set it up with the close/shutdown option.

    However, it would be really great if there was a way to feed it a bunch of AVI files so it kept working all night rather than shutting down; although I need my sleep my PC can stay up as late as it wants!

    So is there any way to do something like this, and if so, how??? I can't figure it out...

    THANKS for any hints.
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

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  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I find the easiest way is to just use Windows Notepad to create a normal txt file, and one or more AVI files would be listed thus (exactly as i've written below) -

    "C:\Program Files\vso\ConvertXtoDVD\ConvertXtoDVD.exe" /file "J:\ultra-latest\AVI-filename.avi" /auto=true /close
    "C:\Program Files\vso\ConvertXtoDVD\ConvertXtoDVD.exe" /file "J:\ultra-latest\another-filename.avi" /auto=true /close

    The txt file will need renaming to be a .bat file in order for you to run it.. (obviously this is easy in XP as you have access to the old fashioned DOS prompt, i don't know if there's a DOS box in Vista).

    Be very careful to make no mistakes as a typo will stop it in it's tracks and you've lost many hours of potential encoding time.
    Luckily my PC only takes half an hour per AVI so any typo's could be most annoying.
    To minimise typo's I just create the list of files vir the dir command, as in dir /b > x.txt.
    Then edit the file accordingly and rename to .bat via the command ren x.txt x.bat or whatever (sorry if you know all that kind of stuff already) :)
  4. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Thanks for that info. I don't have NET installed (and don't want to install it) so I can't use that app. I will look into the batch file stuff. I saw something about that researching further today on the web. Looks like kind of a PITA though. Hopefully they will build that into the program in the future (?).
  5. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Hey thanks Creaky! That helps a lot.

    I used to write batch files all the time to do stuff back in the Windoze 3.1/DOS 6 days but its been years since I had to futz with that stuff.

    I need to really read up on all this in great as it relates to ConvertX though to get a good handle on the command line options etc. I have a million questions (where does the output file go? how do you name it? what options will the program use and how do you override the ones you don't want/specify those you do? etc etc etc).
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    No worries; i'm still on version 2, and find it very straightforward and simple and does all most of what i require of it; as to what version 2 can't do, i was recently searching whether version 2 was capable of merging/encoding 2part movies and subtitles too, though it seems only version 3 can merge/encode 2parters.

    I'm sure there are indeed a whole slew of other command line options but the above is all i have need for.

    There's various threads/info around here on version 3 but i like being lazy when i'm at home so i find it easier to fire up DVD Flick for any movies split across AVI's. I do use ConvertXtoDVD a lot for normal AVI's as it takes less time than DVD Flick. At some point i guess i'll have to look into version 3 of ConvertXtoDVD, for the merge functionality, but i'm always wary of program updates in case there's loads of extra bloated pap that i don't want/can't be bothered to mess with.

    ps the only thing i forgot to mention is the output directory for batch mode; the syntax i listed above will allow each movie to write to it's own directory, ie each output directory takes the exact name of the AVI file in question...(they just get created inside the default ConvertXtoDVD output directory) therefore you don't have to keep jumping in and renaming directories out of the way each time the next film kicks in.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2008
  7. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    I may be misinterpreting what you said but I know I've joined multiple files with v2 many many times (not in batch mode since I've not sussed that all out yet!). Just by selecting more than one file (?). I must be not understanding (??? I've not had to do with subtitles though).

    And regarding the batch stuff, I found a thread on a forum called cdr-zone that discusses this stuff and has more command switches. I'm not sure if external links are allowed to be posted here so I will not do that unless you can give me the OK on that (you are a moderator so I figure you'll know ok?).

    That thread has some examples including encoding multiple files in the same DVD output structure. The switch is /fl, and for that you give it the name of a text file that has multiple files in a list.

    Like this:

    "C:\PATH-TO-CONVERTXTODVD\ConvertXtoDvd.exe" /fl "C:\Work\filelist01.txt" /auto=true /close


    Of course I don't know if any of that actually works - also that thread is 2 years old. Plus it mentions that a user there wrote a gui to do all this easier and had a link for it, but the link was dead :-(

    THANKS that is the main thing I was scratching my head about. Now I get it - the newly created files will go into the default CxDVD working directory named just like if you use the program normally. That is exactly what I want.

    I'm going to work on all this now before I go to zzzzzz and see if I can't get it to work for me tonight. I have a huge backlock of AVIs I want to convert on my slow PC. If I can get this method to work that will be great. THANKS again.
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Nice one; have done a bit more searching, not much info out there on the merging, other than lots of people thought v2 could do it, but it doesn't seem to, not correctly anyway;

    This one seems to suggest files can be merged, but not actually joined - but means using Virtualdub beforehand to join the files.
    I don't want to have to use a.n.other program to do the join, just introduces possible errors imho. The best version 2 of ConvertXtoDVD seems to offer is to add more than one title (like you've done) but unless you know something i don't, it won't actually merge the titles (i want to merge 2part movies, not separate movies).

    It's quite a while since i've used ConvertXtoDVD this way, i have a sneaky suspicion it won't merge the 2 halves of the film, just trying it out with 2 halve of a movie to remind me why i stopped using it that way :)

    edit- have now converted a 2part movie (with subs) and now i'm confuzzled; it's finished converting, and it appears to have merged both halves (with subs too); the only downside is that the output directory has the name of the first half of the movie; no biggie, can just rename it.
    I will have to burn the movie to DVD and see if playback time is correct on the DVD player; i'm confident the movie is now merged but i'm concerned the playback time (at the merge point) won't be correct as had read a few posts about that somewhere previously.

    edit- as i suspected, the movie plays fine but the playback time is wrong at the merged point ie the counter on the DVD player is showing as if a new movie has started playing.

    Maybe that's what stopped me using ConvertXtoDVD for merging before. It's annoying enough to make me wait for version 3 for merging, i'll just revert to using DVD Flick for multi-part movies in the meantime.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2008
  9. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Ok, I understand now Creaky! I am new at all this so bear with me ;-)

    Yes, you are 100% correct. When I use CxDVD to put together multiple files into one DVD structure it does give me a new title break (or whatever it would properly be called). It causes the counter to start over when it goes to the next file converted, like you say. I even noticed a slight hesitation/switch over when it happens on my player. Sorry I did not think to mention that. I understand what you were after now.

    Good news - the batch file worked for me last night!!! In fact it is still going now (I set it up for 5-6 files)! I was able to get 3 files converted overnight, as opposed to just my usual one. This will help me get through my large filelist as I'm gonna set this up every night. Someday I need to upgrade the PC though so it works faster/better at this stuff.

    I need to spend more time up here and other forums and just read, read, read, read and learn, learn, learn, learn. There is so much about video itself, formats, conversions, etc that I do not understand or have no clue on. I wonder even if there is something I could fine tune on my PC to help it use its resources better/convert faster/something. THANKS for your help!
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Glad to hear it's working;
    the only reason the dvd player counter resetting with merged titles, is annoying to me is that i can be quite forgetful sometimes, so glancing at the counter when it's wrong can confuse the hell out of me for a few seconds :p
    i lurk on an obscene amount of threads each day, some of which are just to pick up new ideas and stuff, there's always something new going on
  11. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    I know what you mean about that - that has confused me too. Also, at least on my player, once if transitions to the 2nd part (ie: title) I can no longer skip back to the previous chapter break (in the previous title). My DVD player's skip button only goes back to the same title's beginning and when I press it again it just keeps doing that no matter how much I say "WTF"???

    That confuses the hell out of me because usually that works fine, it's not like I remember what disc came from multiple joined titles or whatever. If I remember right I can still go back to the previous title's final chapter(s) by pressing the reverse button though to cross over the title "boundary" (i am making up these terms), then skip works like it should.
  12. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I knew there was something else that annoyed me about the counters, cheers, had forgotten that; i'll definitely be sticking to DVD Flick for multi-part movies
  13. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Thanks for all your info - I've learned a lot. Especially about the seperate files to one DVD merge thing.

    I have DVDflick and was between using that and ConvertXDVD (or the older DivxtoDVD) when I started out doing all this just a few months ago, and opted to use ConvertX over DVDflick because of the time factor. Although waiting 2-3 hours for ConvertX seems long, waiting 5-7 hours for DVDflick to do the same thing was really painful. But I didn't know that DVDflick could handle merging better.

    I just downloaded something that was setup as 14 freaking seperate AVIs (sigh). Guess I will use DVDflick on that one (or spend more time learning about how to do the merging with another program). Or does ConvertX3 do it???

    There is just so much to absorb with this DVD stuff.....
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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  15. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    THANKS! & not just for that info about Cx3 (now I am going to have to try that too) but that thread itself that talks about audio sync issues, which I sometimes have, is very useful! I think I need to upgrade DVDflick, as well as learn a lot more about this stuff. Sheesh, there is just too much to do......

    THANKS again.
  16. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Last edited: Mar 17, 2008
  17. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    THANKS! More stuff for me to think about.

    I am running Occasionally I do get sync problems but since it doesn't happen that often I thought it was in the AVIs. I'm not sure what setting I have as far "fixing" sync goes (I am running a convert right now so I can't check). All this reading leads me to ponder more though about all the things I do not understand/realize, and want to learn more about. For instance, although I cannot remember the details (all this stuff makes my head swim) I think that I cannot actually playback most AVIs on my PC, although some do work. I get "missing codec" type errors - despite the fact that Convertx or DVDflick will convert them. And I think that means I have "broken codecs" (whatever that means).

    Not to hijack my own thread, or to ask too much of you, but is there any thread or FAQ on this forum which is up to date and explains the following:
    (1) how to see what codecs are on your PC
    (2) how to understand which are "broken" or "bad" (and what that actually means)
    (3) how to uninstall codecs
    (4) where to get new recommended codecs
    (5) how to install codecs
    (6) how to make sure all your programs are using the recommended codecs

    Some of the threads I've read here partially answer some of this stuff but are like 5 years or older and don't necessarily make sense are outdated (??), or don't have the whole picture. Part of my problem is that this is like trying to learn a foreign language it is all so new to me though, most of it makes no sense to me, but some of it is slowly sinking in, and I acknowledge I need to spend weeks/months reading this stuff over and over again until I understand it. And since for the most part I have been able to convert most AVIs ok I've been afraid (and too lazy) to mess with anything for fear of screwing up the things that actually do work on my PC (I am running XP SP2 btw).

    Anyways thanks again for all your help.
  18. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    To (lazily!) sum up your codec questions, i use and recommend the K-Lite Mega Codec pack, it's currently at v3.80. Years ago i used to have to go looking for/fighting with various codecs all the time, though for the longest time i've been using the K-lite codecs; can't remember the last time i had a problem or issue with an AVI/video/audio of any kind..

    here's where i always get the pack -

    Every few months i go looking for an update, and in typical creaky (ie lazy) fashion i don't even look at what's new, if there's a newer version than i have, i just download and install :)

    I'm on one of my Linux machines at the moment so can't remember if Nero's InfoTool is detailed enough to describe all codecs on a system, i'll fire up the Quad Core (watch out neighbours, there's gonna be a power surge)

    edit- no, InfoTool only shows a few codecs, they must be just the ones Nero itself cares about... am sure someone here knows how to check them all (if it was me i'd just install the Mega pack and be done with it, but that's just me)
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2008
  19. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    THANKS - I am going to try that now. I'm assuming the install writes over all the old ones? I shall find out!

    I did try a test to refresh my memory, and yes, I cannot play any AVIs with MEDIA PLAYER CLASSIC. I think this *used* to work, but now it gives me errors, and only plays the audio with no video. I will try that codec install thing then see what happens.

    Also let me ask you this too - somewhere amongst the dozen or so threads that I read today DVDFLICK was discussed about needing to have a certain build #. But I can't remember what the freaking number was or where I read that! I checked the download and it only says the VERSION#. I am running DVDFLICK v1.2.2.1 build 442. Do you know if that is a kosher build #?
  20. tafkas

    tafkas Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    WOOO-HOOO!! It worked! Installing that codec pack fixed my mediaplayer classic (plus installed a newer version), plus it fixed another program that I was screwing around with that had suddenly stopped working. Gonna have to try out/test a bunch of things.

    I wish had more time to learn about this stuff. Can't thank you enough though Mr. Creaky!

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