This is a problem that I encounter with ConvertXtodvd from time to time and was just wondering if any of you guys encountered it aswell. Basically since I've been doing back ups of my movies I've been using vso divxtodvd and I've never had any problems and thats going back about a year and a half now. But a couple of months ago, I decided to get ConvertXtodvd, the first couple movies were perfect. Then for some strange reason, that never happened with freeware divxtodvd, when I first play my movie, it skips about 5mins into the film. Sometimes this happens and sometimes it doesn't and when it does happen, I just use the freeware divxtodvd and my movie is perfect. I remember this also happened to me when divxtodvd 2 came out. I just deleted divxtodvd 2 and used the freeware with no probs. I now have the latest ConvertXtodvd and so far so good but not confident. Just wondering if any of you guys encountered this ? Thanks Sandisk
Hi there, Please provide us a full conversion / burn log. Read here to read about Playback issues: I have a feeling it's a burning issue, and not a convertion issue. If you play the VIDEO_TS files on your computer (PowerDVD, WinDVD) do you have that issue ?
To be quite honest, I don't know how to upload a burn or conversion log. I'm convinced however that it was the ConvertXtodvd that was causing the problem. I've been burning for about a year and a half now and this has only happened a few times to me and it was using either divxtodvd2 or convertXtodvd. I only use Verbaitim x16 disc's and burn x4. I use 4 proggies for burning, nero, dvd decrypter, shrink and most of all the latest version of clone dvd 2. I don't know if my conversion or burn log would be of any use to you now as I'm converting/burning fine at the moment. I upgraded to the latest ConverXtodvd which I only use ocassionaly for adding in subs which it's great for. Mostly I still use the freeware Divxtodvd with no problems at all. I read through that guide and I seem ok in what I'm doing. Believe it or not, I learned all I know about converting/burning right here on AD lol. So what do you reckon? Thanks for the reply sandisk