i just got myself a coolsat5000. trying to configure it. it does not gimme the green bars(quality and strenght) when i try 110, 119 and 121 for dishnetwork. i have some international channels too and currently i have a superdish with a smaller dish for my locals. now, in dish setting, what switch type do i use? OCS-DP, OCS, and so one are listed which one do i use. more importanly, what should my settings be? can anyone help me?
meaning? i didnt get u. which setting shud i use? OCS-DP or OCS or which one. i tried several options and none of them seem to be detecting a signal. is the switch (used to connect the second dish for local channels) the reason? help please. im not able to use this coolsat box yet. HELP PLEEASE.............
It is very hard to tell yo how to fix something over the net. Try to do a process of elimination until you get it to working. I do this as a hobby and Start taking things apart until I find out what is wrong. If you know that you have the setting right and the software is working, then it has to be in the hardware. If in the hardware, then start taking things apart.Test,test, Test. Sometime there is no quick fix. Don't keep these things as a only source of tv.