
Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Ustop, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. Ustop

    Ustop Regular member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    I've been chewin 4 over 17 years. Why do I chew u ask, well, unlike cigs I actually like the taste of chew. A dip of cope mornin, noon, and night. There's nothin better. Well... except a clean mouth. I never cared when I was younger, but now I have a wife and kids. I've tried to quit many a time. My biggest problem is that a few years ago I started swallowing instead of spitting. (Insert joke here!) The chewer's term 4 it is guttin it. So, basically, if I'm not eatin I have a chew in. I can't tell u how many times I fall asleep with one in. Believe it or not I've started chewin shredded beef jerky to try to weed myself off of chew. I've gotten so much info from u guys on how to fix my pc, please give me sum info on how to fix my bad habit. Thanx.
  2. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    WILL POWER !!!!!
    try the patch
    write down 5 reasons to quit
    or 10 reasons
    having your teeth in 20 years would be on top of my list
    you have to want to quit and stick to it ,theres NO easy way, just do it

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