i've been backing up some of my dvds using "1clickdvd" software. the playback on some of the disks seems as if they are dirty. it gets really choppy and i get the little out of place squares dancing around the screen. i can pull the disk, put it right back in and play the same section of the movie and it will playback fine. i only copy the movie without any extras. i'm wondering if anyone would know if this is a hardware, software, or media problem. thanks in advance for any help.
travytrav, It sounds like poor quality media.what type and brand are you using?have you used "1clickdvd" before with no problems. ispy
Hi, Try running one of your discs through DVD Identifier and let us know the manufacturer ID http://dvd.identifier.cdfreaks.com/
the first few copies i made with that software came out fine and a couple in between the bad ones. i'm using memorex 4x dvd-r. my dvd writer is only a one speed.
i assume that this brand is readily available at most stores or is it one i'll have to search for. anyway thanks for the help and i will definately give a shot.
Hi, If you're shopping in an electronics store the media to look for would be either Verbatim DataLifePlus or Maxell. Ritek is primarily available online though at very good prices
Hi, Any of the three I listed will be very good. The Verbatims and Maxells tend to cost a bit more especially in a retail store whereas the Riteks can be had online for very good prices