Copy iPod video files from hard drive to disc

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by roseze, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. roseze

    roseze Member

    Mar 21, 2007
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    I converted several dvds into MPEG-4 to use in iTunes and on my iPod. I want to make a copy of these MPEG-4 files on a disc so I can take them to work and put them on my iTunes work computer. I tried using iTunes to burn them but it won't work. I have a Sony Dual RW Drive Double Layer and Nero Express 6. But I can't figure out how to just make a copy to a dvd. The files I am trying to copy are rather large - about 1.9 gig each or more. Also, I note that after I loaded in the software for the Nero Express it changed all my music video files and video files on my hard drive from Quick Time to Nero - is this a bad thing? Why would it automatically change the video files? I can still play the music videos thru iTunes on my home computer but if I do not have nero on my work computer (which I do not) once I copy these files to a disc will I be able to play them on iTunes on my work computer?
  2. jazo132

    jazo132 Guest

  3. tjttjt

    tjttjt Guest

  4. roseze

    roseze Member

    Mar 21, 2007
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    Thank you for all your suggestions. I figured out how to use the Nero program (at least I think I did) and made a back up of the files onto a disc. Now I just need to check to see if they work on my office computer.

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