copy plays like a bad japanese movie

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dvdruthie, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. dvdruthie

    dvdruthie Guest

    I was using dvdcloner for a while and when I play back the movies the voice doesn't match the mouths. Its a one click program so what went wrong. I really liked it but it started freaking out and having errors almost everytime. Now I'm using dfab, shrink, and decrypter. I like them also, but its very time consuming. Especially as my project is backing up my beloved LOST dvd's. Is there any other programs you would recommend for doing episodic dvds? Preferrably freeware.
  2. chubbyInc

    chubbyInc Regular member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 both free for 21 days.

    Try burning at a slow speed like 2-2.4x,
    what kind of burner are you using and how old is it?

    I've had a burner, burn out from too much use, picture started glitching , never had sound issues but overuse might cause that.
  3. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    Use Verbatim DVDR- and burn at 4x or no faster than 8x burning to slow is as bad as burning to fast
  4. chubbyInc

    chubbyInc Regular member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    rbrock rhat's the first time I've heard too slow is bad, why would that be?
  5. rbrock

    rbrock Regular member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    It's what I've learned reading the guides on After Dawn so I've been burning at 4x only and my movies work great in all my players from the cheap-o to my over priced one. I never new what the right speed was I was burning at all kinds of speeds and using cheap disc. Did a little homework here and now I stop making coasters. For movies use Verbatim DVDR- 16x but burn at 4x speed . There are other members that know the tech. reasons why. All I know is you'll make a coaster
  6. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    I'll attest to that.


    Quality drives: There's crap drives,decent drives,and excellent dvd-rw drives. Not all burners are alike. Some give less errors on backups and some have a higher stand alone player compatability rate.

    Quality Media:

    Example: Verbatim 16x. These babies were designed to be burned faster. My backup copies that were burned at 2.4x had too many crc errors. Crc errors are very bad-usually making a backup copy un-rippable. Now stand alone players can sometimes get through those crc errors,pc dvd drives-not so fortunant.

    Lower quality media,you may have to reduce the burn speed. You can get an idea of how many PIE/PIF errors are on your backups by running them through a program like Nero's Disc quality test. It's not 100% accurate,but can give you a good reference and see how those little errors add up.

    For my Benqs, 8x burning on the MCC-004 +16x verbs yielded the best scans-97 score. 12x was next with scores around 95-96. My 4x burns gave me a low 90's,and 2.4x were basically coasters. They played ok,but a backup that I can't re-rip is of no use for me.

    +16x sony,fuji,taiwanese maxells-then the opposite. I have to keep these down around 4x for best scans.

    dvdruthie: Sounds like compression is the leading culprit. Being episodic dvds,you get a lot of compression. I've backed up the 1st 3 yrs of the Lword and the high compression was no trouble for me. I did use quality media, a sensible 4x/8x burn,no multitasking,defragged harddrives,no paper/sticker labels.

    Can you use DL =Dual Layer= media? Then you'll have no compression and a faster backup process time.

    I'm not sure how you are using the combination of dvd shrink and dvd decrypter. Some peeps use dvd decrypter to rip,compress with dvd shrink,and burn with dvd decrypter. That time can be reduced by ripping with dvd shrink,then autoburning with dvd decrypter-if there's no problematic encryption on those originals.. If so,anydvd will help dvd shrink rip through those encryptions-no extra step involved.The adaptive error compensation enhancements of dvd shrink will bog down your process time,but helps out considerably for a better playback.

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