This could be any file but it's an .avi I burnt myself this time - so I've put the post in this forum for lack of better knowledge. Here's the problem: There's something wrong with the file as I've burned it. Windows gets right to the end of the copy process, copying it from the cd to my hard drive, and then says it's no good, can't copy it, and gives up. Leaving no part of the copy on my hard drive! Probably with various utilities I could do something with the part if I could get the part. Perhaps avifixed could work on it - but it can't work on it when it's on the cd. Does anyone know of anything that will copy parts of files from cd's (or other hard drives) in this way? I've always been annoyed by copying processes that abort at the last minute and give you nothing at all. Anyone else know this problem? Anyone know a fix? regards, jep.
Open it in virtualdub from the cd, click video - direct stream copy click audio - direct stream copy click file - save as avi did that work?
Bit late getting back to you here... I think it did, Dela, thanks. But someone elsewhere also gave me the name of a software programme that copies files even with errors in them - copyanyway I thought it was called but I can't find it anymore on my machine so maybe it had some other name. Between your tip and that prog I managed to get somewhere. Then I finished up with major differences in sound/vision sync. I just now tried the same trick (your tip) on a .dat file in the mpegav folder of a vcd and it wouldn't work. Virtual dub says incompatible formats for direct stream and whatever...