I have a Panasonic video camera that records on mini-dvds. I'm having difficulty in two areas: After I finalize a mini-dvd in the camera I can play it in any dvd player and on my computer (through software such as Windows Media Player). My computer copying software, however, won't recognize the disk. Is there any way I can make copys of the dvd on the computer. I know I can always use my vhs/dvd recorder by plugging the camera in, I was just hoping there was a faster way. I was also hoping to be able to use Windows Movie Maker to edit movies and that's not working either. Any suggestions in either or both areas?
If you want to make one-to-one copies. You can just copy the full content to your ahrd drive using Windows Explorer and them copy to a new DVD using burning software like Nero (make sure to use the right settings for DVD-Video. MovieMaker is not able to edit MPEG (which is the format used on DVD). You can convert to AVI and edit that. Here's a tutorial how to do it using freeware only programs: http://www.digitalvideoclub.com/tutorials/dvdedit.php