Hey im wondering if any could help me with a little problem im having. i just built a new system about a month ago and with it i got a new Optorite DD0201 DVD RW. When i tried coping some files from some of the burned CD's i had to the hard drive, the DVD drive would only read about half of the cds i had, and the CD's that it didnt read the cds it just showed it as a blank CD. I just wondering if the cds that it did read are burned in a way that the DVD wont recognize or if it is something else all together. and the Drivers and firmware for the DVD drive are up to date to the best of my knowledge.
The latest firmware I can find for your model is 2.50E - is this what you have? It could also be that your Optowrite simply has trouble reading discs that you burned with another writer. Will the discs read in other drives?
I do have 2.50E and the cd's will read in my room mates cd drive, but all the cd i have were burned with the same cd burner
Hmmmm....So the Optowrite has trouble reading about half the discs that were all burned in the same drive, correct? It's possible that the discs weren't the best burns to begin with (nothing personal!) and/or mediocre media which is why your Optorite is having fits with some of the discs. Since your buddy's drive reads them fine, I would point the finger at the Optowrite. Here's a link to some user reviews of the Optowrite that may shed a little more light on your problem: http://www.dvdrhelp.com/dvdwriters.php?DVDnameid=96&Search=Search&list=#comments Hope this helps
hmmm, well thanks for the help, guess ill just have to hijack my room mates cd drive to transfer the files over, thanks again.