I am trying to copy an mpg file to a dvd-r. I've searched everywhere and can not seem to find out how to do this. Any help would be much appreciated! Thks!
Hi, Yes, first of all do you have a DVD burner? If you don't you can't burn a DVD-R. Second of all, have you already authored your movie and put into folder audio_ts and video_ts? If you haven't you will have to download an author (Preferable TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.5) and make your menu's than that will automatically make your two folders in a specified folder. Than from there it will ask you if you want to burn your movie directly onto a dvd, and if you click yes, than you can directly burn your dvd onto a dvd-r with that program, remember not to cross the size limit!
But first your Mpeg file needs to be DVD-Compliant before you can Author it. Use TMGEnc then TMPEnc Author.
Thanks, I have TMPGEnc I'm just not sure how to use it to convert it to be dvd compliant and/or to author. Is there a user manual I can refer to or can you help me? Thanks!
There is an Online Help Manual under Help in TMPGenc. Otherwise check out sefy's guide pack at Afterdawn here: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/sefy/encoding5.cfm but its really quite easy, if you have any more problems, just ask. Cheers.
gone crazy, you can also use Nerovision Express(in the Nero ultra 6 package) and it will create a menu for your files too.