copying my cds

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Elayne, Sep 4, 2004.

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  1. Elayne

    Elayne Regular member

    Jul 6, 2002
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    I used to beable to copy my cds from the cd drive to the dvd burner. Recently, Record Now shows that it is writing, but then it just stops. The same goes with Cakewalk. I can play cds, I can burn dvds, I can copy data files, just not music. This past week, I download several cassettes I have and burned them to a cd and when I tried to make an extra copy for my car, it wouldn't copy. I tried copying at lower speeds, I changed brands of cds. The music cds just won't copy. I checked the DMA. I called HP and they said it was a software problem. I did a system restore, everything I could think of and nothing has helped. I have another computer, and I can copy the music cds on it, so I don't know. Can someone please help me? Thanks
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