Hi can somebody please help? I have been using 1 click DVD copy with DVD 43 and up untill now have had no problems at all,However I went to copy one of my region 1 movies and am unable to do so. How do I go about this is there some free software out there that I can download to be able to copy any region DVD to DVD+R ?????? Any suggestions appreciated.
Thanks for the reply is there only a trial version available or can I get it free from somewhere.Also do you know why DVD 43 does not allow me to copy any region???
konky: Only trial versions available of AnyDVD,then you can purchase it if you like it,its well worth it. I have not used DVD43 so am unable to comment. ispy
konky anydvd is a great program but you might want to try dvd region free + css v5.10. Just started a 30 day free trial with it seems to work as well. Dvd43 did't play well with my pc it wanted to bully the other programs. I also use dvd shrink & dvd decripter [freeware] to back up my dvd's check out the settings . I belive they cover region 1 quite well Have decided to buy anydvd when trial runs out
konky; Stick with AnyDVD,as I said in my earlier post its well worth the money because it is so versatile,you will notice that when you put a disc in your drive the red fox logo in taskbar turns pale pinkish for a few seconds to indicate that its kicked in. ispy
Thanks again for the reply, My other Question is there any need for me to keep DVD 43 on my pc or shall I delete it and just keep any dvd ?
konky As I said in my previous post,sick with AnyDVD,some others have posted minor problems with DVD43,but cant comment as I have not tried it as I had AnyDVD up and running & happy ) ispy
So I take you are saying in simple terms that I can delete DVD43 there is no need to keep while I have ANYDVD??? Cheers ispy.
Konky;Download the trial of AnyDVD,use it then if you like it purchase at the end of trial,dump DVD43 if your not happy.
Just as I thought also backed up my national lampoons vegas vacation (region 1) so far Big thumbs up for ANYDVD well pleased will carry on using trial then purchase thanks very much for all you`r info.
Funny enough ive just done N/Lampoons Animal house,Vacation & Christmas Vacation last week,glad your getting on ok with AnyDVD. ispy