Hello, I have backed up a saved game from a cartridge and would like to tansfer it to my M3DS however the M3 does not recognize the .sav extension but when I rename the file to .0 it doesn't read it either. How have people converted there saved games onto a format the M3DS will read. thanks.
M3 DS save files actually do have to be converted, but this is very easy to do. 1. Go to this link. 2. Make SURE the save file extension is put back to the original extension, just to make sure everything goes smoothly (in your case, .sav) 3. Set source format to one of the .sav choices, which ever one applies most to your particular .sav file. 4. Set the target format to "M3 DS Real". 5. Select the file you want to convert by clicking the "browse" button. 6. Click convert 7. You will receive a download of the converted file in its .0 format, so save it to wherever. 8. Rename the save file so that it matches the .nds file's name exactly (I don't remember if .0 is required after, but I'm pretty sure it isn't) 9. Copy the file to the same directly the .nds file is located in, and you're done! 10. Fire up the M3 DS Real and enjoy your backed up ds game. That should cover everything, but if you have questions, you can of course ask.