is their a way to copy scratched PC games? i have tried to make a backup copy of cricket 2004 using ALCOHOL 120% but no luck as it comes up CRC error anyone with any experience? Thanks in advance
You could try to polish scratched parts. But generally if the part with data is scratched there's no help. Good luck
I have found that ISObuster can copy through most scratches, it takes it a while. Also have heard about a program called Bad Copy Pro.
Yep i just dwnloaded and bought isobuster pro 1.8 but i have no idea how to use it to copy a pc game onto CD-R. Thanks
Put you cd in and then find your drive in the pulldown. Right click on the Root of the cd (usually called CD), not the sessions and then click "extract cd image"->"RAW". Give it a name and once its done, assuming it can read through the scratches, it will ask for a .cue file name. Give it the same name as the .bin file, and use nero or alcohol to burn this .cue image. Good luck
I was informed by a friend in the car body repair business that the scratch remover 'T Cut' is good for getting rid of scratches on Compact Disks.
I have purchased cricket 2005 now anyway, i live in england u d!=k , no ones suggestions helped i better keep my new game in its box LOL