I am thinking there is a new Copy Protection SONY is trying out on Shottas I have tried ripit4me and PFCEdit and both get tied up in erors I get the error "VTS 10LU 1 declare 28928 PGCs, This is probably bogus I will keep only the 1st 999" and then it ives an error for each of the 999, so it would take forever to get through the fake stuff anyone seen this or know how to get passed the protection?
I just ripped this using DVDDecrypter w/ ANY DVD from there you can burn it with what you normally use.
Are you saying that you loaded up Decryptor first? and then after it saved the files you ran anydvd? I had not trieds that combo although while using ripit4me it errored out when loading decryptor I will tgry that way you mentioned tonight thanks
I tried copying Shottas with Decryptor in file mode and it wouldnt light up the go ahead icon (Green Arrow) it wont load the movie
Put movie in drive >Open DVDDecrypter set to drive the movie is in> set ANY DVD to auto start > reboot your computer.DVDDecrypter should find movie whe you open it> make sure ANY DVD is set to drive movie is in. Good luck
RipIt4Me has just been updated. The changelog claims it can do your movie. Have you tried the new version?