I'm in a bit of a dilema at the moment. My itunes library was deleted and all my songs vanished. I copied all the music folders from my ipod to the computer and added them to itunes. Unfortunately, around 400 songs are missing. Just wondering if I should use a program to add the songs from my ipod to itunes, if that helps, or is it because the music folder in the ipod does not hold all of the songs. Any Help? Markos
is there any chance you could explain how you fixed it? then it may stop the same person asking again ;-)
I'm just quite a silly boy . Ahh all it was was, I forgot that when I copied the songs to my computer, there was not enough space on my hard drive to copy them all, so when I freed up space, like another 2 gig or something, I copied f39 to like f40something and it had all the songs i wanted.