HEllo I have a NEC ND-1300A DVD burner and i cannot burn to DVD-R disks.... I can use the DVD shrink and everything is all fine and dandy but when i go to burn it in NERO or CLONE DVD, it says Could not perform sart of DIsk-At-Once... Any suggestions?
There are some known issues with the NEC 1300 But have you updated the firmware recently as I had read that going from 105 to 109 has helped a good few ppl. Read it here: http://www.dvdrhelp.com/dvdwriters....&buffer=Any&list=0&orderby=Name&Search=Search
I know it sounds quite simple but have you checked that all cables are tightly fitted to the drive? I had a problem with a drive once which turned out simply to be a loose power cable, although I have to say that actually burning with an NEC is being a little optimistic.