Copying Xbox games seems a little to much!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by mrmathers, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Am I to understand I need to have some Flash FTP thingy on my PC to copy Xbox games? I have a cross-over cable, a PC and Xbox and a Xecutor 2.3b Lite Plus (solderless) modchip installed. All I want to do is backup my Xbox game library, to protect my originals from my kid sisters grubby mits. Problem is, backing up xbox games seems a little more complex than backing up ps2 games (DVD versions) where u just do direct on-the-fly copy disk to disk.
    Any help greatly appreciated!
  2. Jdilla

    Jdilla Regular member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    this is the best help you are going to get here go here:
    or check out the newbie forums, im getting tired of these newbies wanting everything fed to their mouths, whats the point of modding your xbox if you are not going to do your research on it? it just doesnt make no sense
  3. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    what makes u think i dont do research? I've spent the last 4 hours researching this shit and don't get 1 word of it. I need something called EvoX but there is NOWHERE on the internet to get hold of that other than IRC which is fusking useless for noobs. Tried it and removed it.
    Then I need a BIOS to reflash the mod chip but there is nowhere to get the BIOS either.
    This kinda leaves me screwed coz there's no where to get this stuff from, so when I turn to a forum to ask for help I then get slagged off for bein a noob. Makes no sense. An endless cycle of not getting the information just coz I have no idea.
    Y'know thered be less 'annoying' noobs if ppl would just help us rather than slag us off and tell us where to go.
  4. Jdilla

    Jdilla Regular member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    -this is not true, i found my bios and evox elsewhere, other than IRC channels, you see you aint searching right, and its illegal and against forum rules to tell you where to get this stuff; wich leaves [bold]you[/bold] with the challenge to find it, not us.
    - this is also false, you can get this anywhere man, i know you are not searching right, and im sorry my friend, its going to take you way more then 4 hours to get your xbox modded. maybe 3-4 days depending how hard you work on it.
    -the only one thats getting annoyed are the people that daily read these forums and cant believe how many times the same crap is being asked.

    search some more man. is great.
  5. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Got the BIOS, got the EvoX dash finally.
    Got my Xbox, got an Xecuter 2.3b Lite + chip fitted.
    I understand now what I've got to do, but all I want to know is can I break my Xbox in doing this? I mean permanently break it? Apparently if I back up the C: and E: drives from the Xbox onto my PC, if all goes belly up i can restore it. Is that true? If I bugger the Xbox up can I really just overwrite the screwed up C: and E: drives on the xbox with the clean copies on my PC HD?
    Some chips now come with something that protects from bad flashes (as I am sure this will happen to me) so I may be okay there. It's just the installing of EvoX. I'm worried that if I start uploading it, and when uploaded it doesn't work my xbox is gonna be broke forever. I don't want that.
    If u could just tell me what the main points are to be careful with which could potentially break the xbox, thats all I really want to know.
  6. Jdilla

    Jdilla Regular member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    the worst part is over man. the risks of you messing up your xbox would be stripping the screw, if you flashed the chip correctly you shouldnt worry about nothing, make sure you use the xecuter bios manager to create your bios image, than you can burn the .bin file with any program you wish, record now max worked for me. the good thing about our chip is that it has 2 banks so if you have a bad flash you can go to the other bank, depending on your drive, it should pick up cd-rw as a bios boot disc, and a evolution x boot disc. im not going to go into detail with you cuz, like i said before this topic has been talked about here on a daily basis, you should consider going to they have all the info youll need. but again, you shouldnt worry about much the worst part is over, wich is pretty much installing your chip, the evo and bios disc is really easy to do, check the teamexecuter website for detail steps on how to flash your bios and how to burn it, you did the smartest thing already wich is backing up your c: and e: drive. and by the way, you see what i meant by you not searching very well, things are out there man, all you gotta do is look for them
  7. mrmathers

    mrmathers Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Hah, yeah cheers. I had to use mIRC but thankfully I found guide on how to get the files I was looking 4, so it wasnt all that difficult as it was b4 without the guide. has been like my bible 4 the past few days. I think I got everything i needed now I just gotta actually flash the chip and install EvoX. Is there any particular order in which I should do this? Or doesn't it matter?
    So from here on there is no way I can damage the xbox or the chip? I really just wanna make sure b4 I go ahead with this on my own, coz I don't wanna have to spend another £100 on a new xbox, or £40 on a new chip.
    Cheers again
  8. Jdilla

    Jdilla Regular member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    mirc is easy to use, it pretty much uses commands more than anything.i suggest you make your 512k bios.bin file and make a bios boot disc out of that, and use that to flash your chip, than after you have succesfully flashed your chip, extract everything of your evox3935 folder, or whatever version of evox you are using. this is what you do, create a new folder on your desktop, name it evo3935 or evox whatever you want,put the bios,skin, trainer,change the file name dashboard.xbe, or whatever its called i forgot, all i know it has a .xbe name to it, well rename that to default.xbe, and put that also in your new folder, and the evox.ini file too. when you have everything i mentioned on your new folder, burn it into a cd-rw disc, i highly suggest to use a dummy files on both discs (evox&bios) to take up space in your discs, like that you have more chances of your xbox picking up the discs. use this program called "dummy file" to create the dummy files. there you have it, after this you should be ready to back up your xbox games, the last step would be connecting your xbox to your pc, but take it a step at a time. after all i didnt turn it to be such a jerk heh? hope i helped. cheers

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