I'm probably telling you all how to suck eggs. But I've found a gem! Inside Nero 6 is Nero Vision Express 2. And inside that is another prog called Nero re-encode. It works exactly the same as DVD-shrink but the quality is far better. Also burns the dvd straight after. You don't need another prog. In tandem with dvd region-free no problems at all.
I found the quality to be far worse than Shrink, may be its just my eyes? You still need winfox for encryption
Didn't Ahead hire they guy that authored Shrink to write their re-encode program? In which case the qulity should be about the same
Recode doesn't decrypt. I tried Anydvd behind it and my rip time seemed to double. I also think Shrink gives you more options. The same guy did write it but I think Nero is afraid of legal issues so its not as good. Jerry
"DVD region-free breaks the copy protection.", well then it doesn't work exactly the same as dvdshrink now does it.
I always used to use Shrink and then Recode to burn the shrink file.... Had success up until the last few days AARRGGHH