Copyright Infringment

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by fireflash, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. fireflash

    fireflash Guest

    Hello again everyone.When i go down to my local blockbuster & rent a new release dvd then come home & rip that dvd using shrink ect ect I am in breech of the law.But if i am Copying the same film to disc from say a .avi xvid or whatever downloaded online am i still in breech of the law.I just wanted to know if Disc Copyright & .avi copyright have the exact same boundries since i am not ripping from disc but from a .avi ect ect.
  2. BIGTOXY69

    BIGTOXY69 Regular member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    fireflash- I would think so ! But not being a Copyright attorney or a entertainment lawyer I would not take this answer as legal council ! I am pretty sure that copyrights as they pertain to entertainment are so worded that they cover all forms or formats of playback/reproduction and or copying ! The supreme court many years ago came up with the fair use doctorine which states that you are allowed to make copies of your Movies , Cassettes , or Albums or CD's That you already own /have purchased ! Provided that they are for Your own use - For example making a cassette of a vinyl album to play on your walkman or cars deck.and that You are not distributing / selling said copies ! Without the legal permission of the Copyright holder ( Movie studio or record company ect...) That being said there is another law or ruling which applies here as well ! DMCA- The Digital Millenium Copyrights act ! which states that yes you are entitled to make back up/safety copies of your DVD's , Vhs Tapes, CD's Ect... Under the Fair Use provisions But if the DVD,Tape , CD, Program, Software ecetera !!!! is Encrypted ( Has some form of Copyguard Protection! That you must Decrypt to copy( then the act of copying is no longer the crime but the Decryption to allow that to occur ! And most if nearly not all DVD Movies, Videotapes , & some Cd's are Encrypted with some form of copy protection !!! So where does that leave you? Legally a lawyer would advise you don't ! I can't tell you do or don't that's a call you need to make yourself! But I would think that You are pretty safe backing up your own Videos so say that your Children , grandkids, siblings ect... don't tear up your originals!! Provided that as above stated you are'nt selling them ! But if legality and conscience still bother you consult a lawyer or do more research on the internet about this issue ! Hope I made this a little less confusing ? Good luck !

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I agree with Toxy....If you didn't make and own the rights to the movie in question and you copy it regardless of format you are breaking the law. This would apply if you rent, buy or download the article in question.
  4. signal

    signal Guest

    the copyright does not apply to the individual disc, but to he film.
  5. signal

    signal Guest

    the copyright does not apply to the individual disc, but to he film.
  6. cougar_ii

    cougar_ii Regular member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    I heard rumours, there's countries, even if you bought the DVD, you still can't make a backup of it.

    You are breaking the law in that country.

    I'll see if I can track that post somewhere !
  7. bilbo65

    bilbo65 Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    If you own the DVD, you are allowed to backup. However if it is copy protected, it is illegal to circumvent the copy protection. A catch 22 situation.....
  8. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    there are sites that you pay, where you can save the film to a disk,and it is legal, same with music, but you have to read the user agrement,it is like you bought the disk, there are a few out there but you have to find the one that work the best for you.
  9. ItMatters

    ItMatters Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Mercer is right. If you buy a movie online, and download it legally, you're allowed to copy it to a disc. But I believe that distrubution of copies of that disc, for free OR profit, is illegal. It's sort of like how you're allowed to download emulator ROMs if you own a physical copy of the game.

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