im not smart in this but is there a way to transfer a copyrighted song (one i have purchased from itunes) to windows media. i get a message from windows media player that reads cannot play this format. can anyone..someone help me please??
Dont have an iPod, but tell me what the file extension is its the bit after the file name e.g .exe .jpg etc, or just use a different media player, Real, Winamp etc
Dont have an iPod, but tell me what the file extension is its the bit after the file name e.g .exe .jpg etc, or just use a different media player, Real, Winamp etc
i downloaded the mpegable and i dont see where i can open the progam. under the start menu i found it under programs, but the submenu only lists license and uninstall. am i suppose to be able to open the program or does it run in the background?
You should not have to start the program. When you open Windows media player and select an mp4 it will still give you the message that it is an unrecognized format but will play it anyway. Nice little piece of software. [Short Rant On] Why don't all these software clowns... Microsoft, Apple, Realmedia... get there act together and make all their formats open source so we don't have to food around converting from one to the other. What a pain. [Rant Off]