Hey, I'm just starting to get involved in making web pages. One thing i write the html for is for ebay so i can make my auction descrption look better than the rest. My questions is, is it ok well legal to use a picture say i found from google images and insert the picture into the website using the image location. Is this legal? Do i have to write below were i got the picture from? Lecsiy
depending on if the picture is owened by someone, i would say you would have to get permission from the person or persons who have the copyright for that picture
So does that mean if im selling a game or something. If i go to www.game.co.uk do i have to ask each time to use that picture in the description?
i would think as long as you asked if you could use the image, for what you need to do with it as long as you and the owner came to a meeting of the mind's you never know he might want some kind of payment for a usage of the image, so make sure that you cover all of your bases before you start, cuzz you don't want to end up in court over something like this, good luck
this is more or less something you want to consult a lawyer about, not risk over the possibly-inaccurate legal advice of a volunteer tech forum.