Who here picked up corpse bride? Just wondering how the transfer is and how the special features are, according to corpsebridedvd.com the special features are pretty cool, I really want to hear that danny elfman exclusive track.
very cool movie Tim Burton is the best at his art ,the tranfer to a dvd-5 came out great. i didnt watch the special features
Just got it, yeah i agree its definatly his best stop motion animation. I guess alot of people like nightmare alot more but in terms of animation, corpse bride is simply the better of the two. But, this one is with puppets right? Nightmare was totally claymation, I guess its a different spectrum but the puppets work really well.
very very nice film, 'fraid i didn't look at the special features yet, i'm not into all the disc fillers
Heh, most of the time they can be disc fillers, but for corpse bride they were really intruiging, mostly because of the way stop motion is made, its a really time consuming process. I'd say they are much more than disc fillers