hi gang everytime i try to download songs to my desk top i get to many corrupt files.it says cannot play the selected files but if a plug and play item is used it might make the song playable.is there anything else i can do? am i missing a codec??any suggestions will be appreciated. benbernie
Missing a codec? chances are you might. Have you tried the codec pack available from AfterDawn? http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/codecs_and_filters/k-lite_codec_pack_full.cfm Any joy?
hi thanks 4 the info and download.this is a free software?cool.now that i downloaded it how would i get this needed codec?is it in the config option? benbernie
hi again i just downloaded a song and its still corrupted unless i need to use something in the software you just reccommended to me. benbernie