Corrupt pvd in .bin files

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by scampus, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. scampus

    scampus Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I have read most of the posts in the forums but have not found anything that resembles my problem.

    I recently changed my hard drives to some nice Samsung SATA 160gb, upgrading my two IBM Deskstar 120gb PATA drives. I transferred all my info - no problem.

    Using the disk management function I removed the partitions from the disks and removed them. I soon realaised that I had forgotten to copy over some .bin files. Knowing that the data hadn't really been deleted, I used a program called "Get Data Back" by Runtime Software (very handy program) to retrieve the 'lost' data.

    Now that I have retreived the bin and cue files, I am having problems. Acohol 120% 1.9.2 Build 1705, loads the cue no problem, but when I burn it I get a corrupt disk.
    If I mount the image on a virtual drive, 'My computer' stops repsponding, when it comes back, the drive (L:) just says 'CD drive', and not the label of the disk, if I right click it, it takes about 2 minutes for the menu to appear and then Windows reports the drive as unformatted or corrupt.
    When I load the bin file into Iso buster, I get the following message: -
    The Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) is unreadable.
    REad Error at address : 16
    Device reported Error : 05/64/01

    What I would like to know is if it is possible to repair the damaged pvd, I have tried various software but to no avail, they all just report the .bin as damaged or missing.

    Hoping Someone can help


  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Sorry, not. If an image is corrupt (you can check it also with doing a 'scan for corruption' with CDMage to avoid wasting blank CDs) there's no way I know to repair it.
  3. scampus

    scampus Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Hi aldaco12,

    Thanks for your prompt response.

    I have tried opening the file in cdmage but it just tells me that the file format is invalid. So i can't even check the scan for corruption option!

    I can access the file, sort of, with isobuster, but if try to extract the mpg (its an SVCD) I just end up with an mpeg of 0 bytes.

    Anymore ideas?


  4. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Try downloading Cue Creator, create new .cue file(s), use burnatonce , a free burning program, load the .cue file and burn no faster than 8x. Another option as a test is to create a new .cue file, then use IsoBuster and extract raw and see if you encounter any errors.

    Cue Creator

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