Corrupted ringtone files?

Discussion in 'Motorola phones' started by DanandJen, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. DanandJen

    DanandJen Regular member

    May 25, 2005
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    I searched thru the forums and have not found an answer to my problem. Hopefully you kind folks can help?! I have all the rquired stuff, apps, drivers, cables, to put ringtones on my V188 phone. The problem is, when I select the transfered file in the phone, it tells me it is corrupt and asks to delete it. WTF! I am using wav files. I tried all directions in all programs to get it to work, but they all come up corrupt on the phone. Is it because I'm trying to use downloaded sound bites in wav and mp3 format? Can I only use CD audio? HELP ME QUICK!!!!
  2. gpb42

    gpb42 Guest

    I have a v551 and i use mp3 format with low frequency. Not sure if that is your problem but...I had the same corrupt problem so I re-installed and did Everything again, I even deleted some other stuff on my phone (other ringtones I had previously put on) to see if there was too much memory used.

    I find that almost every time I want to use MPT I need to reinstall the driver and software, I don't know why but it doesn't take long so I don't care. Hope I helped

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