could i put more skins on my xbox from dvds

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by beast5000, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. beast5000

    beast5000 Guest

    could i put more skins on my xbox from dvds that i burn as a iso
  2. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    first of all yes it's possible but you could have some minor trouble. Not all xbox's will read cd-r's. All of them will read a dvd-r. So if i were you i would write a folder named skins (containing all the skins) to the a dvd and then insert it into your xbox (make sure the disc is closed). Then access the file manager or boxplorer (app) and select the d:. You should then see your folder with your skins in it, you will have to manually move your skins to the correct folder. Depending on what dash you use.

    an example for avalaunch would be C:/media/skins

    It's easier to ftp these folders to your skins folder, but if you don't have a network setup i understand why you would want to write files to a disc instead.

    Let me know how it goes.
  3. beast5000

    beast5000 Guest

    do by chance know where i could find a few since ur reply i been trying to find some good 1s that i would like but cant find none
  4. beast5000

    beast5000 Guest

    yes!!! it worked ty i made my own useing EvoxSkin ty agin

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