Hi, I'm new here so, if I forget any info or rule to follow, please let me know. Description of my problem: Trying to copy 2 DVDs, using DVD Shrink 3 and Nero 6 first DVD, all ok second DVD, DVD Shrink to HD ok, nero burning ERROR. in my first try, i got an illegal disc error. after reading some informations (part of them in other threads here) i updated nero and my firmware to newest versions. then, the error just changed to Could not perform start of Disc-at-once. There's the nero log: thanks to anyone that can help me =)
Hi edmps Physical memory : 511MB Free physical memory: 70MB Memory in use : 86 % You have a lot of memory in use so free some up - close any unneeded programs. If you haven't recently run a disc defrag, registry cleaner and virus scan. Here's a good free registry cleaner if you need one - ccleaner. Use the issues and cleaner options. Disc Manufacturer: TYG02 Good stuff. Check and make sure it's the real deal Taiyo Yuden - these are one of the most faked media codes. For this media code you should see GG00xxxx (the x's represent #'s) around the inner hub. For the good media I'd also try taking the burn up to 8x. Still a no go then try some different media like Verbatim or made in Japan Sony, Fuji or Maxell.
heh, in fact i need more memory. virus scan i do with some regularity, it's not the case. i'll run ccleaner and try to run defrag (checked this, got 28% of fragmentation =/ ) and about the media, it's a generic one that i got as bonus with the drive purchase. And i've never seen any Taiyo here in Brazil , but i think i can get these MIJ sony or maxell ones i'll update here if i succeed in this trials