G'day All, I hope that some one can help me with this. I have spent weeks looking for a solution both here in Afterdawn and in other places without success. I have only just started to rip my young sons DVD collection. On most of these DVD's there are several 'stories' or chapters and my goal is to convert the entire DVD into Xvid format so that all of the chapters and the main menu is available in one Xvid file. I have ripped the DVD's no problems using DVDDecrypter and I can play the resulting .VOB files on my computer. What I cannot figure out how to do is combine the individual VOB files for each story into one Xvid File that also includes the selection menu (for 'play all' or 'Choose a chapter') I tried ripping the DVD's in DVDDecrypter whilst having the 'Split file' option selected as 'None', however this only results in the individual chapters having a single VOB file. What I need is a programme which will recognise the individual chapters and the menu and code them all into one XVid file. I have tried AutoGK and SimpleDivX programmes as they looked promising - but no luck. I have looked at joining individual XVid files to make one, but there seems to be a lot of argument as to weather this works well or not, and anyway I would not get the Main menu using (say) AutoGK to convert the individual chapters and then joining the resultant Xvid files. So, big question, is there a program available that will recognise chapters from a DVD and code them all as one Xvid file? Hope someone can help stop me pulling the rest of my hair out. Cheers Jason
These are two tools that you might want to look into: Free: http://labs.divx.com/DivXMuxGUI Free Trial: http://www.divx.com/en/software/divx-edition/author Try both and see which one works better for you.
Thanks cyprusrom. I tried DivXMuxGUI and I could not see how to pick a few VOB files and get it to join it together. The other DivX program doesn't want seem to want to run on my windows 7 computer. Any other options?