COX & Motorola DCT6400 Series DVR

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by RNF1968, Apr 16, 2005.

  1. RNF1968

    RNF1968 Regular member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Has anyone had any experience with this particular DVR? This is my first Digital Video Recorder. It has plenty of ports such as ethernet, USB and A/V inputs and outputs. I was wondering if anyone has managed to connect it to their computer and offload any of the recordings. Thanks!
  2. gms01

    gms01 Member

    May 5, 2005
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    Comcast intoduced these units in Miami last Dec. I love mine. However, "special" features like the USB ports must be activated centrally by the cable/satellite operator to work, and mine haven't been. I'd love to attach a USB external hard disk and increase program storage capacity, but I'll have to wait for Comcast to allow it (if they ever do--I can think of several reasons why they might not, like movie piracy).
  3. Jlhfit

    Jlhfit Active member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I can speak for Cox Comm. I am a field Tech. We have not ordered the DCT6400 with active USB ports, the ethernet port is active because I have been able to ping the address. Cox would have to order these activated, but there is no demand or "need" tht Cox feels that they should be. I think it would be nice, b/c I do alot of Dct swaps on T/c calls and alot of cust get angry because they lose all there recorded programming when I swap. A sub or fire wire data transfer would be nice.
    I have also asked about being to use the ethernet port for HSI service, but I was told that too is stepping ahead to far and there is no customer demand.
  4. brutus123

    brutus123 Member

    Jul 4, 2005
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    I have Cox cable and got one of these Motorola DCT6400 (6412 to be exact) in Jan. 2005 .... got another one in Feb...... got another one in April ... And another one in May. It's July and I'm getting another one tomorrow. They're a piece of junk. The first one sounded like a plane landing when they dropped it off. I figured the HD would go .... it did. So did the next one. And the next one. The one I'm returning now just keeps re-booting evey 30 seconds or so. At firat I thought they were dying because of heat. This past one, I've had in the coolest place possible. It's directly under an AC vent.

    I've wasted almost half my vacation time from work staying at home waiting for Cox to replace my box. If they don't have a different model or brand, I'm canceling my service and going with satilite and a Tivo.
  5. RNF1968

    RNF1968 Regular member

    Jun 8, 2003
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    Mine is also lound. I think its the fan. It seems to be on no matter what the temp. It hasnt crapped out, yet! Hopefully they come out with a better one.
  6. osusnake

    osusnake Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    I have the Motorola DCT6400 model DVR (I think it's the DCT6412 to be specific). Does anyone know how to hook up a PS2 thru the DVR in order to watch it on the TV? Any help would be appreciated. Email to Thanks!
  7. RNF1968

    RNF1968 Regular member

    Jun 8, 2003
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  8. jeaux

    jeaux Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    if the the ethernet port is active and you can ping it, the I should be able to connect using my router and ftp into it like I do with my xbox. I'm gonna have to try this route since I can't get the firewire working.
  9. Jlhfit

    Jlhfit Active member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I tied conneting to the DCT 6412 through ethernet but I couldnt get it to work. I power cycled the box but still no IP in the internal menu screen menu of the box.. Anyone know how... Trying to get my movies off the hard drive
  10. runesong

    runesong Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    I was told the easiest way to archive programs was to videotape it if all else fails, BUT the DVR signal does not come through ANY device I hook up. In other words, any video that I send 'out' from the DVR will not appear. A buddy told me it's because the VHS is 'reading' the signal as digital and will not allow you to view it let alone record it. Others echoed that same theory and suggested my finding an older VCR. I tried a 11 year old GE, a 5 year old Panasonic and recently 2 year old Hitachi VCR/DVD combo. All I want to do is 'dump' my Season 2 of Star Wars: Clone Wars so I can vedge out one weekend and watch EVERYTHING available in order: I, II, CloneI, Clone II, III, IV, V & VI... before the 18th box set comes out that is. Can anyone impart any wisdom regarding the VHS scramble that occurs and how to evade it? Any info would be greatly appreciated.


  11. Iceman800

    Iceman800 Member

    Sep 5, 2005
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    So is it pretty much a consensus that it's just not possible to transfer recordings directly from a Motorola (Cox) DCT6412 III DVR to a PC using an ethernet cable or a USB cord? And that the only way is to record it onto VHS and then capture that onto a PC? Any help is appreciated. Jon
  12. gms01

    gms01 Member

    May 5, 2005
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    Right. It may be possible some day to do the direct transfer...but only if cable providers enable the USB feature from their end. Comcast in South Florida has told me thay have no plans to do this anytime soon. In the meantime, I've had no trouble taping programs with a VCR hooked up to the DCT's RCA A-V outputs. The VCR will, of course, only pick up the signal from the "front" DCT tuner (the tuner you are currently watching).
  13. runesong

    runesong Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Would you please post the make/model of the VCR you're using. Also, any setting changes you may have made. Unfortunately, my house is off-limits due to KATRINA; I live in Uptown New Orleans. I think my DVR was high enough to not have been soaked or drowned, so if/when I'm able to get back there, the info would be useful. If all my stuff is under water, which is what I suspect, I'll likely have to buy a new VCR anyway with the insurance and/or FEMA money. I'll get one I know works. So, what make/model VCR are you using and are there any special connection directions you could enlighten me with - front or back RCA ports, particular type of RCA cables if any, etc.?

    Thanx so much. So glad to be alive after that SHEEYOT!!!!

  14. gms01

    gms01 Member

    May 5, 2005
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    Wow, congrats on surviving Katrina! You may be the only NOLA native chatting about video hookups right now...which is a sign the crisis is easing.

    My VCR is on old Sony SLV-779HF, but I'd expect any stereo VCR to work as long as it has the standard RCA inputs for video (yellow) and right/left audio (red and white). I just connect the DCT one-hole video out (right above the Pr component output in the rear) and the R/L audio outs (just to the left of the 3 component video(YPbPr)outputs in the DCT rear) to the video and audio inputs in the rear of my (or almost any) VCR. Any set of 3 junky RCA AV cables (yellow/white/red or any other colors) you might find lying around (probably a lot of them floating around NO right now!) will work, or spend a few bucks at Radio Shack.

    Annoyingly, there's only one set of RCA audio outputs on the DCT, which you might already be using to output sound to your TV (I use the optical SPDIF out for sound so it's not a problem for me). In that case you'll either need to rewire your audio setup whenever you want to record (and not listen to the TV for the duration of the taping!), OR better yet invest in a 3-wire AV A-B switch. I did the latter before I got my Dolby decoder (which connects to the optical SPDIF output). Again, the switch is about 20 bucks at Radio Shack (or cheaper online).

    Good luck to you in general (!) and let me know if I can help further. Unfortunately, I don't have the AV A-B switch any more or I'd offer to send it to you.
  15. runesong

    runesong Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Nah, it's not getting any better in N.O. at all... it's getting WORSE!!! But I'm trying to bide my time before starting up school again in October. Since I'll have to replace a bunch of stuff before going home, I might as well get the right stuff this go 'round for when I can go home... if there's a home left to go to. Thanx for the advice. I didn't try running the only audio out cables directly to the VCR; what about video? I haven't been able to get any signal whatsoever. Should I attempt the same with the original video cables? Should I set up the prompter, hit play on the DVR, record on the VCR and THEN switch the DVR vid outs from TV to VCR too? I won't be able to fiddle until I get home, but thank you VERY much for the info AND insight.

  16. gms01

    gms01 Member

    May 5, 2005
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    Again, I sincerely hope you are able to return home soon and find everything's OK in your house. I'm following the news closely, and it looks like Katrina will replace the 1900 Galveston hurricane as the deadliest disaster in US history. It's already the costliest.

    Now back to at issue at hand...a lot of what I said before is dependent on how your TV is hooked up to the DCT. I'm using the 3-wire component video cables for DCT to TV video, optical SPDIF cable for audio. It sounds like you're using the more conventional 2-cable audio and 1-cable video (the video output I was discussing in the last message) to feed your TV. These are the same outputs you have to use to feed a VCR! If so, forget the AB need to split all your TV outputs, audio and video, to simultaneously feed the TV and VCR. The 3-wire 2-way splitter device is similar to the AB switch and is also available at any above-water Radio Shack.

    However, if your DCT and TV are connected this way, you can just run the 3 AV outputs cables from the DCT to the VCR, then another 3-wire set from the VCR to the TV. This is how it's been done forever with older cable boxes, before the days of component video, DVI-D, etc.

    Now if you have run a (single wire) video cable from the DCT directly to the VCR and did NOT get a recordable video signal to go through, then I can't diagnose that from here. If the video output works on the TV, it should also work on the VCR. On your VCR remote, try playing with the "input" selector button (line 1, line 2, aux 1, aux 2, etc.) or try the TV/VCR switch to get an image to record.

    That way (or by using a splitter), you won't have to do any connecting and disconnecting to either record or just watch TV. Let me know if this sufficies; if not, you'll need to tell me about all of your existing hookups so I can be more exact.
  17. runesong

    runesong Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    That's just it - I tried every permutation! I get no video signal whatsoever going DCT vid out -> VCR vid in -> VCR vid out -> TV vid in, whether I change line 1, 2, aux, VTR/TV, etc. Nothing - that's why I'm interested in which VCRs work & which don't. I really do appreciate all of your hints. Someone told me some VCRs 'read' some digital signals and scramble or disallow them as an anti-piracy precaution. I don't understand this to be honest with you... What I'm using is a Hitachi VCR/DVD combo. I tried a 11 year old GE VCR too to no avail. The Motorola manual gives directions for setting up a VCR and even advertises the ability to archive programs in it's listed functions... Perhaps Cox disabled the ability? Again - doesn't make sense because this is one of the reasons I justified getting it. Again - thank you all. When I am able to return home, I will try taping direct without 'monitoring' it. Then, if that doesn't work, I'll try the splitters - it only makes sense. In the meantime, it's escape time. I'm going to see The Exorcism fo Emily Rose. Take care.
  18. ntnylion

    ntnylion Member

    Sep 24, 2005
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    Hope all is well through this second round of Rita.

    It took me a bit when I first got my cablebox. I am not able to view any throughput from the DVR to the TV through the VCR, but am able to record. As noted by gms01, you can only record the program that you are watching. I have mine connected through an A/V receiver, but it should be the same going direct.

    Rear DVR RCA ports --> VCR Line 1 (or 2)input

    Must make sure that the VCR is set on whichever line you have the inputs through and you may not see any picture if you are viewing through the VCR. but it should record on playback.

    Wow...that sounds confusing...
  19. DonRico

    DonRico Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    Perhaps i can shed some light on this DCT6412 situation. Firstly, i joined afterdawn only after reading the various postings regarding the DCT6412 and the ability (or lack thereof) to offload from the HD. I happen to be a FSR for Cox Comm. and I am very familiar w/the DCT6400 series DVR. As far as the ability to archive using VHS, to my knowledge, it is not possible. The reason for that has nothing to do with the cable service provide and everything to do with copyright protection that makes the contect unviewable. However, I have personally used firewire and a particular software program to successfully offload AND view DVR content from the DCT6412, so it is possible, but its also illegal. The funny thing is that you can go to motorola's website and they give you a link that will help you do this. (of course they follow it up with a lengthy disclaimer)
  20. mi902klos

    mi902klos Member

    Sep 29, 2005
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    Given your affiliation with a major provider, it's easy to understand why no specific program name has been given. Could you possibly provide a bit more insight to the location on the Motorola website where the link to this holy-grail of a program resides? My searches of the site have turned up nothing.


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